Rev. Francis X. Dias
The Finance and Pastoral (Parish) Council Councils are councils that our Pastor consults in regard to the parish life and financial well-being of the parish. Below is a description of the roles of these councils and their current members:
Finance Council
The Finance Council is a consultative body that assists the Pastor to act justly and prudently in the administration of the parish’s temporal goods, including the regular monitoring of parish accounts and expenses.
Finance Council Members:
Peggy Kontney
Mary Margaret Cisewski
Jim Hilger
Pastoral (Parish) Council
The pastoral council is the principal consultative body of the parish that gives their help in fostering pastoral activity. They help the Pastor in establishing priorities among the various aspects of parish activity; and the formation of policy and the development of programs of pastoral activity.
Parish Council Members:
Jim Hilger
Chet Laskowski
Bob Fenske
Katie Cisewski
Brian Lepper
Brian Cisewski