Rev. Francis X. Dias
Various forms are used to help the office keep track of purchasing/reimbursements, space usage, and planning for fundraisers. Below you will find each of these forms, forms can be downloaded by clicking on the image or title. If you have questions regarding the use or need for any of the below forms, please contact the parish office at 715-344-2599 or by email at
A Purchase Order should be submitted prior to any purchases made on behalf of the church.
Facility Scheduler forms are used to reserve parish space. This will help to ensure that space is available for your needs as well as making sure no conflicts occur.
Fundraiser checklists are used to make sure that all needed supplies are available to those planning and running parish events.
St. Mary is not able to hold Religious Education Classes, but we support the family by assisting in gathering paperwork, and covering fees.
To assist us in knowing where your child is participating, a transfer form should be completed each year.
For more assistance contact the parish office.