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Participating in unity with the Diocese of La Crosse and all 156 parishes of our Diocese, we pledge to restore, grow, and energize our Church now and for future generations. 


St. Mary's goal for the campaign is $85,000, with 35% or $29,750 supporting the overall Diocesan goal of 14 million benefiting the critical ministries of the Diocese of La Crosse. These include 15% towards fulfilling our parish's 2022-2023 Diocesan Annual Appeal; 7.5% to help fund the newly formed Catholic Foundation, which will help support the ministries of parishes and schools now and in the future; and 12.5% will be invested in much-needed improvements to our Diocesan Center building, most especially our Christ the King Chapel.


The remaining 65%, or $55,250, will return to our parish! Inspired by our recent handicap accessibility project, we plan to use these funds to begin updating our worship space. When we achieve and exceed our Diocesan Annual Appeal goal, our parish portion of funds raised will increase to 80%! Our parish has thrived because of the generosity of those who came before us, let us continue to build that foundation for future generations. 

St. Mary's Goal: $85,000

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Our Progress - as of May 27, 2023

Pledged: $125,275 (147.38%)

Received: $28,975 (34.09%)

Participation: 42 Familes (38.18%)



St. Mary's Parish Share - Our Proposed Plan

Beautification and Maintenance: Our church's carpet, furnace, windows, and other facilities are in need of updating. Anyone that owns a home knows and understands the practicality and the costs of investments. We are also aware that the longer we wait to address these types of issues, the costlier they become. We hope that you will be generous in providing for the needs of our parish. 

Campaign Prayer

Eternal Father, Your Holy Spirit

breathes life and gives beauty

to all your creatures, and

forms us in Your image.


Jesus, as You promised,

You send Your Spirit upon Your Church

to embolden us always

to carry out Your mission.


Holy Spirit, poured out as love itself,

we turn to You; inspire us!


You who strengthened the faith

of those in every generation before us,

inspire us today

to be courageous in our belief.


You who will remain always with us,

inspire us now to share what we have received

for our present good

and for the good of those yet to come


A Message from Bishop William Callahan

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